Zhejiang ULIRVISION Technology Co., Ltd.
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Infrared thermal imagers have a wide range of applications in battery storage inspections. During the storage and charging/discharging process, batteries generate heat. Infrared thermal imagers can detect and display the heat distribution on the surface of objects, thereby identifying abnormal changes in heat. Here are some applications of infrared thermal imagers in battery storage inspections:

Abnormal heat detection

Infrared thermal imagers can detect temperature changes in batteries and identify abnormal hotspots or temperature anomalies, which may indicate battery faults or issues. Abnormal temperatures may be caused by overcharging, overdischarging, internal short circuits, etc.

Fire risk prevention

There is a certain risk of fire during the storage and charging/discharging process of batteries. Infrared thermal imagers can timely detect high-temperature areas that may exist in batteries or battery packs, helping to prevent fire accidents.

Monitoring battery health

By regularly using infrared thermal imagers to detect the temperature distribution of batteries, the health status of batteries can be tracked. This helps identify potential failure signs and prevent battery damage or failure in advance.

Optimizing storage layout

By using infrared thermal imagers to scan the battery storage area, the heat distribution of battery storage can be evaluated, optimizing the storage layout to ensure appropriate spacing and ventilation between batteries, preventing overheating or fire risks.

Inspection recording and analysis

Images and data obtained through infrared thermal imagers can establish inspection records for long-term monitoring and analysis of batteries, helping to formulate more effective maintenance plans and preventive measures.

Infrared thermal imagers play an important role in battery storage inspections, helping to timely identify battery issues, prevent potential risks, and optimize battery usage and storage conditions.