Zhejiang ULIRVISION Technology Co., Ltd.
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Infrared thermal imaging cameras can be used to analyze the following applications and defects of houses, such as building exterior wall hollowing, building exterior wall cracks, building pasting finishes, building heat conduction loss, building energy saving, building dampness and leakage.

1. How to judge whether the exterior wall is defective?

Whether there is any defect in the wall can be obtained from the temperature information on the surface of the outer wall. When the sun shines on the surface of the building, the energy is transmitted into the wall. Due to the heat insulation performance of the airtight pores, the heat is transmitted to the inner wall at different speeds. Infrared HD thermal imaging cameras will generate hot and cold areas to judge whether there is a defect.

2. How to judge the cracks in the exterior wall of the building?

The building structure can shift, or substandard cement and concrete materials may result in masonry cracks or openings that could lead to structural damage. In some cases, these openings enable rainwater to seep into the building, leading to further issues. These hidden defects are challenging to detect using traditional methods. However, an infrared thermal scanner can quickly and accurately display them in HD. It is important to note that the human eye has low resolution ability for black and white, making the black and white mode of the infrared thermal imager more effective for detecting such defects.

3. Poor pasting of building exterior finishes

Due to poor adhesion of the finish, it is easy to cause water seepage or even peel off. Occasionally, the pasted veneer falls and hits a car or a pedestrian, often causing serious economic and social harm. How to solve the problem of pasting peeling off has become a difficult problem for many testing units and management agencies. Because this kind of problem often has no symptoms before the accident occurs. However, these defects often cannot escape the thermal imaging camera.

4. Building damp

Damp is probably one of the most serious factors affecting the integrity of buildings. In its gaseous state, water is a necessary and useful building block of air and building materials. However, once it becomes liquid or solid, it will cause a lot of trouble. Moisture can be caused by leaks, condensation, or moisture released from building materials. Moisture (from leaks or condensation) can cause many problems, as water can seep into a small crack and become lodged in impermeable building materials. Unbonded areas in brick and concrete often cause water and gas leaks in brick walls. The use of unqualified concrete can also cause rainwater infiltration. An effective tool has emerged, namely the IR thermography camera, which is capable of detecting defects that often escape the naked eye.

5. Building leakage

Buildings often cause problems due to external rainwater infiltration. It is often unsuccessful to find the source and path of leakage through conventional methods. Water seepage damage is continuous, causing premature damage to building materials, equipment and decorative furniture, and causing indoor air pollution. Infiltration points are difficult to determine because water often does not follow the intended path. No trace of water seepage can be seen with the naked eye. We can use the infrared high-definition thermal imaging camera to clearly find the water seepage and find the source of the leak.