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Generally, the source and path of moisture leakage in buildings are hidden, making it difficult to detect with conventional methods. However, using infrared thermography detection technology and IR thermography camera equipment can effectively solve this problem.

Basic principle of IR thermography camera

Any object in nature with a temperature above absolute zero will radiate infrared rays due to its own molecular motion. The infrared thermography camera uses the infrared detector and optical imaging lens to receive the infrared radiation energy of the measured target and form a visible infrared thermal image. This thermal image corresponds to the thermal distribution field on the surface of the object. Since the heat capacity of water is larger than that of building materials, under the same thermal radiation conditions, the leakage site has a higher heat capacity due to the existence of water, resulting in a smaller increase in temperature, thus forming a "cold spot" on the infrared thermal image. Based on this theory, a comprehensive detection method based on infrared thermal imaging technology can effectively detect the leakage source and leakage path.

Application of IR thermography camera in building pipelines

In practical engineering, building leakage sources are divided into the following three types:

Rainwater leakage caused by cracks or construction defects on building roofs and external walls

To accurately detect the leakage source of building roofs and walls, the detection timing should be noted, and the leakage area should be filled with water while the non-leakage area should remain dry on the surface. After rain (or water test), firstly, the outer surface of the wall or roof to be inspected is scanned by the IR thermography camera over a large area to determine the suspicious area, and then the corresponding indoor area of the suspicious area is inspected by the IR thermography camera to determine the leakage point.

Leakage caused by cracks or failure of waterproof layer on walls or floors in indoor toilets, kitchens, and other rooms

The infrared thermal imaging camera is used to analyze and determine the leakage source in each water test result. In the case of multiple water sources and leakage sources, the exclusion method is used to detect the suspicious water source and leakage source. Through comparative analysis, the leakage source can be accurately detected. This is how leak detection thermal imaging works.

Leakage caused by the rupture of indoor hot and cold water pipes

Building hot and cold water pipes are mostly buried in building floors or walls. After the pipe ruptures, it will cause water seepage in the floors or walls. Due to the concealment of the pipes, their rupture positions are difficult to detect by conventional methods. The IR thermography camera combined with the water pressure test method of the pipeline system can detect pipeline leakage by infrared detection. When simulating the leakage situation using water test, pay attention to the following: the water test position should mainly focus on the water source near the test target; the water test time should simulate the general usage of the water source; after the water test, the stagnant water should be excluded and the surface should be dried for testing. For areas with interference, multiple angle detections should be performed to eliminate interference and ensure the accuracy of the detection results.