Zhejiang ULIRVISION Technology Co., Ltd.
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Real-time temperature monitoring is usually achieved using infrared thermal imaging cameras. These devices can generate thermal images by measuring the infrared radiation emitted from the surface of an object, thereby displaying the temperature distribution of the object. The following are the general steps for real-time temperature monitoring using infrared thermal imaging cameras:


  • Ensure that the battery of the infrared thermal imaging camera is charged or powered properly.

  • Verify that the lens and sensor of the infrared thermal imaging camera are clean and free from obstructions.

  • Adjust the parameters of the infrared thermal imaging camera, such as temperature range and color palette, to suit your monitoring needs.


  • Calibration is usually required before starting the monitoring to ensure the accuracy of temperature measurements. The calibration process involves using reference objects with known temperatures.

Capture Thermal Images:

  • Use the infrared thermal imaging camera to capture thermal images of the area you want to monitor. You can either hold the device in your hand or mount it in a fixed position.

  • Real-time monitoring continuously captures thermal images and displays them on the screen of the infrared thermal imaging camera.

Temperature Analysis:

  • On the screen of the infrared thermal imaging camera, you can see color changes in different areas, where different colors represent different temperatures. Typically, you can use a color palette to interpret the relationship between colors and temperatures.

  • Some advanced infrared thermal imaging cameras also provide temperature measurement capabilities, allowing you to select specific points or areas for temperature measurement using a touchscreen or menu.

Data Recording:

  • You can choose to record thermal images or temperature data during the monitoring for further analysis or report generation.

Real-time Monitoring:

  • Infrared thermal imaging cameras typically offer real-time monitoring, which means you can continuously observe changes in temperature distribution and take appropriate actions when necessary.

It should be noted that infrared thermal imaging cameras have a wide range of applications in various fields such as industrial maintenance, building inspection, and medical diagnosis. Depending on specific monitoring needs and equipment characteristics, further training and understanding may be required to correctly use infrared thermal imaging cameras and interpret the data they generate. Additionally, it is important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for use and safety to ensure safe operation.