Zhejiang ULIRVISION Technology Co., Ltd.
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Infrared thermal imagers have a wide range of applications in the civilian field. They capture the thermal distribution of objects using infrared radiation and convert it into visible images, thereby playing an important role in many different fields.

Here are some common applications of infrared thermal imagers in the civilian field:

Home security

Infrared thermal imagers can be used in home security systems to monitor changes in heat sources inside and outside the house, helping to identify abnormal situations such as fires, intrusions, or leaks.

Building inspection

In the construction field, infrared thermal imagers are used to identify energy loss and heat leakage in building structures, helping to improve energy efficiency.

Electrical maintenance

Used to detect overheating parts in circuits, helping to prevent circuit failures and fires.


In medicine, infrared thermal imagers can be used to measure the surface temperature of the human body, assisting in medical diagnosis and monitoring of conditions.

Wildlife observation

Researchers can use industrial thermal imagers to monitor the activity of wildlife at night, helping to protect and study wild animals.


Used in meteorological research to monitor temperature changes in the atmosphere, aiding in weather forecasting and climate studies.

Search and rescue

In the event of a disaster, infrared thermal imagers can help search and rescue personnel locate trapped individuals at night or in adverse conditions.


Used to monitor the growth of crops and vegetation coverage, assisting in agricultural management and optimizing agricultural production.

The applications of infrared thermal imagers in these fields are constantly expanding and improving, bringing more convenience and safety to the civilian field.